You’ve got a great system on paper that has been working for years. Why does it need to undergo digital adoption?

Depending on your situation and how critical that paper is, you have a lot to gain. Have you ever lost a sheet? Has a customer requested proof of that quality check or traceability? Did that cause panic, causing everyone to rack their brains and recreate the paperwork?

Avoiding those situations are some obvious benefits, but what about the hidden ones?

How long does it take for each stage of your workflow to progress? Where are the bottlenecks, can you easily measure that? Do you have to run out to the production floor or go find the paper to get a quick answer on what stage something is at? 

Measuring data, getting a real time dashboard in your face on progress, is critical. Being able to compare productivity month over month, year over year is nearly impossible without key pieces of information living in a database. Making this shift might sound scary and overwhelming, but not everything needs some fancy software. Digital Adoption can be as easy opening up an excel sheet and pushing some automated buttons.

The Paper isn’t all that important to me

OK, but what about all of the other information stuck in your head or the heads of your employees? Is that readily accessible? Does it let you do quick analysis and made business decisions based on facts and data, or is gut feel guiding your ship? Like it or not, Digital Adoption still plays a big role in small processes.

When you have a structured way of storing information about your business, answers to your questions can be found in seconds, and decisions can be made without bias. Gut feel can only get you so far. Going blind into a decision comes along with a lot of anxiety and doubt that doesn’t need to be there. You have all of the information already, it just needs to be recorded in a way that can adapt to your needs as the business grows.

Data is the most powerful thing for your business

I love data, whenever I step into a business and set up the right structure, or connect the systems already in place so that they talk to each other the friction is removed. Suddenly that revenue or productivity hump that keeps getting in the way is reduced, and things start improving.

By leveraging the Canada Digital Adoption Program, you can get a specialist that develops a whole plan to implement these systems and you can get up to 90% of the costs covered under the Boost Your Business Online grant. If you don’t already know who you’d want to review your business and come up with your digital adoption plan, then I have great news — I’m partnered with an amazing organization that is registered as Digital Advisors for the CDAP program. You can have myself or one of the other team members take you through the entire process, and get most of the cost covered by the government. Afterwards, you’re eligible for a 0% interest loan for up to 5 years and up to $100,000 to help cover the costs to implement it (whether you do it yourself or hire me!) and make some game changing improvements to your business.

For those looking to sell items or services online, the CDAP has a program called the Student Grants Program. This program gives you the funds to hire students to do the grunt work, getting your business started with e-commerce. These students will need some guidance on how to implement effectively, which is where I can come in as a drop-in advisor. You need someone who sees the whole vision to get you to the finish line.

Whether or not you want to use the CDAP Program, I am here to help make your already profitable business run like a well oiled machine. When can we sit down and paint a picture of the future together using real data? Click here to book an appointment to chat.